Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Eclairs

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  • 10 bread slices
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 bunch basil
  • 1 goat cheese
  • 20 cl cream
  • 20 grams walnut
  • 20 grams tomato tapenade
  • 20 grams butter


    Cut the slices sandwich bread and cover with melted butter on both sides, and slightly to the stove toaster.
    Mix the goat cheese with the cream with a little salt, then place the mixture in a piping bag.

    Place the tomato tapenade on toast, place a second toast on top, then use the socket to make small meringues goat cheese.
    Then place the nuts and cherry tomatoes, and small basil leaves.


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    1. A

      I think this recipe was amazing!

    2. L

      Great option to make and take to lunch.

    3. V

      Excellent dish!

    4. j

      I loved it,I made it for a very dear friend and she was impressed

    5. L

      the flavors were all very delicious.

    6. E

      Just tried this recipe and really loved it.

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